Current status of builds

Because the build information, which was created over the past three years, was deleted with our branch of the code, we’re still trying to get out a distribution.

It may be taking a bit longer than it otherwise would need because we’re using this opportunity to update our build to utilize a more recent version of Qt and other build tools. This improves memory management to create a faster application with fewer crashes! It also removes some big security issues related to hash functions (very important)

So please have patience. I’m not trying to force anyone to go with Seamly, use Roman’s software if you want to.

Here is the current status of Seamly2D builds:

Qt upgrade: The Qt build environment is now 5.7 and later. This allows better memory management, removes security issues, etc. This upgrade took time due to major Qt changes which occurred in Qt 5.7.

Linux builds:

  • Travis-CI tests are passing.
  • Ubuntu - builds are failing. Canonical employees are looking into this.
  • Suse - will begin this when Ubuntu build is passing.
  • Gentoo - will begin after Susan build
  • Slack - will begin after Gentoo build

Mac builds:

  • Travis-CI tests are passing
  • OSX 10.10+ builds not created yet

Windows builds:

  • Appveyor tests are failing (but our Windows programmer is out sick this week)

I think that your statement " …use Roman’s software if you want to." is right on the button slspencer, will be sticking with ‘Romans software’ as you put it …correctly. Valentina (original) is where my heart certainly sits. Not so much of a mind shift and much better understanding of what matters. Seamly2D appears to have gone through 2 recent name changes, with one foot in another camp, in such a short space of time … a very confused approach that is less than transparent.

Hmmm - Call me confused.

From someone who at one time told Roman…

Good luck, wish you well…

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This project is completely transparent, we discuss everything openly and with respect. All decisions are brought to the users for discussion and analysis. That’s the open source way.