About the Newbies category

New users, introduce yourself and say hi!

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Bonjour!comment on fait si on veut imprimer le patron sur papier A4?je vous remercie pour la reponse!

Hi, I’m Monica Pedro from Portugal. I’m learning to use Seamly with it enthusiastic tools. I would like to contribute to this wonderful project, and to star this I could provide translation to Portuguese. Would you like to have this type of contribution? Best regards Mónica


Hello, I am Adrien and I write from Paris - Fr. I just discovered Seamly2D but I feel that the project is abandoned. Does a team still work on the project? I used to use 2D drawing software and could this experience be useful? I have suggestions for improvements and suggestions for translations into French. In any case it is a work of Titans that has been done and I thank the community. Adrien

Translated by Google


Hi @adrien! No the project is not abandoned! We have patternmaking expertise, and we’re applying that expertise to software. The open source development process can be inconsistent over time. Please keep checking for updates soon.

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Hello Colleges from around the world. My Name is Karin, ( alias Carine ), I am new on board. Now as an elderly woman ( out of business ) with an working background in fashion industry, where I start in the 70s with pencil, craft-paper and ruler. I may be old, but it is never too late to learning, and I am fascinated about this great software and look forward to learning. Thank you to the founder, Dear Mrs. Spencer. Thank you to your Team Members nearby who work on and share with us. Thank you to all of you Forum-Members, it is very helpful to find anytime, anyone of you behind the screen. At the beginning I suppose I will come on with a ton of questions, but I hope there comes a time, where I self can share answering with you.



Hi @Carine! It’s great to have you here!

Dear Mrs.Spencer, thank you very much


Dear @Carine, you’re very very welcome!

Hello, my name is Maria, I am an aspiring seamstress from Porto Alegre, Brasil. I am particularly interested in historical fashion and garment construction, so pattern making online will most certainly be a challenge for me, but one I couldn’t be more exited to attempt. I would love to meet new people in the sewing comunitty aswell, especially ones who live nearby, so we can learn together, and it’s always amusing to make new friends. With love, Maria (hope I’m posting this in the right place, otherwise it would be very embarrassing)


Hi, I’m Perla, I have just discovered seamly2d which I already like, to build a basic model but I’m already in difficulty. Is it possible to ask a question in French? and have an answer in French or in English not too complicated for google?

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Yes, you are quite welcome to ask in any language, though it’s best to do so in a language which is supported by either Google or another member of the forum. Some of our recent discussions are in several languages at once.

You’ll also find replies with parallel translations:

GT: Vous trouverez également des réponses avec des traductions parallÚles.

Merci pour votre rĂ©ponse. Je recherche, pour crĂ©er un patron adaptable Ă  toutes les tailles, Ă  insĂ©rer des formules conditionnelles. Par exemple pour calculer une mesure : (si stature comprise entre 115 et 130 alors =5cm ou si stature comprise entre 130 et 150 alors =6cm ou si stature > 160 alors 7cm). je ne sais pas quels sont les termes utilisĂ©s pour Ă©crire cela. J’ai trouvĂ© dans la documentation uniquement la condition SI, mais je n’ai pas trouvĂ© comment saisir avec OU plusieurs conditions dans la mĂȘme formule. Je ne sais pas si j’ai Ă©tĂ© comprĂ©hensible. Vous est-il possible de m’aider s’il vous plait.

Thank you for your reply. I am looking to create a pattern adaptable to all sizes, to insert conditional formulas. For example to calculate a measurement: (if stature between 115 and 130 then = 5cm or if stature between 130 and 150 then = 6cm or if stature> 160 then 7cm). I don’t know what the words are used to write this. I found in the documentation only the IF condition, but I did not find how to enter with OR multiple conditions in the same formula. I don’t know if I was understandable. Is it possible for you to help me please.

Good question, this thread should help:

GT: Bonne question, ce fil devrait vous aider:

& if you need more help with it, that thread remains available to ask for more input about it.

GT: & si vous avez besoin de plus d’aide, ce fil reste disponible pour demander plus d’informations à ce sujet.


Merci beaucoup, j’ai trouvĂ© ma solution dans le commentaire d’Evica, sur la page “fonctions mathĂ©matiques”. Je vous remercie vraiment beaucoup du temps que vous consacrez Ă  rĂ©pondre aux questions des newbies comme moi, et de votre rĂ©activitĂ©. Si je peux indiquer mes propres trouvailles ou participer Ă  une traduction française, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  me demander, je vous aiderais avec plaisir.

Thank you very much, I found my solution in the comment of Evica, on the page “mathematical functions”. Thank you very much for the time you spend answering questions from newbies like me, and for your responsiveness. If I can point out my own finds or participate in a French translation, don’t hesitate to ask me, I would be happy to help you.

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Voici ma formule : (@STA<=130 ? 5:(@STA>=156 ? 7:6)) (STA Ă©tant la mesure de la stature) donc je voulais Ă©crire si la stature est infĂ©rieure ou Ă©gale Ă  130 alors le rĂ©sultat est 5cm ou si la stature est supĂ©rieure ou Ă©gale Ă  156 alors le rĂ©sultat est 7cm sinon le rĂ©sultat est 6cm (donc pour la stature comprise entre 131 et 155), pouvez vous me dire si elle est correctement Ă©crite, y a t’il un espace avant et aprĂšs le point d’interrogation, et aucun espace aprĂšs le 5 avant :

J’ai aussi Ă©crit une autre formule dont je ne suis pas sure qui est (@STA<130 ? line_A21_A22+1,5: line_A21_A22+2), je voulais Ă©crire si la stature est infĂ©rieure Ă  130 alors le rĂ©sultat est la longueur de la ligne A21A22 + 1,5 cm sinon le rĂ©sultat est la longueur de la ligne A21A22 + 2 cm Est-ce que mes 2 formules vous paraissent correctes ?

Here is my formula: (@STA <= 130? 5: (@ STA> = 156? 7: 6)) (STA being the measure of stature) so I wanted to write if the stature is less than or equal to 130 then the result is 5cm or if the stature is greater than or equal to 156 then the result is 7cm otherwise the result is 6cm (so for the stature between 131 and 155), can you tell me if it is correctly written, is there a space before and after the question mark, and no space after the 5 before:

I also wrote another formula which I’m not sure (@STA <130? Line_A21_A22 + 1.5: line_A21_A22 + 2), I wanted to write if the stature is less than 130 then the result is the length of the line A21A22 + 1.5 cm otherwise the result is the length of the line A21A22 + 2 cm Do my 2 formulas seem correct to you?

Many thanks

Yes. If it’s not giving you an error, the spacing is probably right. If it is giving you an error, I’d try messing with the spaces first. I haven’t used IF enough to say.

GT: Oui. Si cela ne vous donne pas d’erreur, l’espacement est probablement correct. Si cela vous donne une erreur, j’essaierais d’abord de jouer avec les espaces. Je n’ai pas assez utilisĂ© IF pour le dire.

Good Luck! Bonne chance!


Merci beaucoup. Alors si ça marche, je vous aiderais quand vous utiliserez le IF :rofl:

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Bonjour, Comme prĂ©vu, je viens partager le fait que mes formules avec conditions fonctionnent parfaitement avec les espaces autour des points d’interrogation. J’ai rĂ©ussi Ă  imprimer les patrons et je les ai comparĂ©s avec ceux que j’avais achetĂ© tout prĂȘts, les proportions sont quasi identiques. Donc je vais maintenant pouvoir gagner un temps monstrueux ! Merci Ă  tous et en particulier Pneumarian !

Hello, As expected, I come to share that my formulas with conditions work perfectly with the spaces around the question marks. I managed to print the patterns and I compared them with those I had bought ready-made, the proportions are almost identical. So I will now be able to save a monstrous amount of time! Thank you to everyone and in particular Pneumarian!


Hi All
 not a new user - just a new screen name. Trying to purge my aol email addresses and the forums here won’t allow one to change their email so I created a new account.
